Tuesday 31 March 2015

Evaluation Question 1;

In terms of my digi-pak I used the following research;

From this research I can see that my conventions of a main image of  my artist is key; However I have broken/challenge the forms and conventions as I have not used the stereotypical convention of a front facing shot of my artist, I decided I wanted to stick the aspects of my artist being mysterious and the factors of him not really being him self. I conventional stuck with a colour scheme that interlinks with my video.
One of the key things I would change if I was to have the time would be to place a slogan/plug on the front cover of my album stating that "Happy Little Pill" is the featured song. As this is conventional to most Album covers.

As you can see on the 3rd slide of my slideshare, there are quiet a few black and white themed album covers and I therefore feel that I have filled my conventions by sticking to a colour scheme. Also if you move onto slide 4 you can see that the black and white theme connotes the darker side of a personality and it helps to build upon and portray the negative feeling that I am trying to build upon.

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