Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Media Skills Development Essay;

Media Skills development essay

In terms of my skills development over the two years on my media course I have used various software’s to enable myself to build upon the skills I already had. During the first year of my media course I learnt to us the digital technology such as Photoshop; prior to this I didn't really know anything about Photoshop or how to use the software. When creating my college magazine I was limited in my ability to create my product due to my inability to understand the software, I didn't understand how to use layers or any of the other tools such as quick selection tool. I was able to use the eraser and the paintbrush tool; however I developed these skills when I moved onto my music magazine I learnt to use the layers on Photoshop, which enabled me to edit the various layers separately making my product look more professional. I learnt how to use the clone stamping tool which allowed me to copy skin tones, or patched of skin to layer on top of another part on my image. I also developed my ability to use the tools such as the filter liquefy which allowed me to make my models for fill the more  ‘stereotypical’ slim model with no imperfections image. As well as using liquefy I also used the spot healing tool which allowed me to again erase imperfections upon my models face and/or skin. In terms of my college magazine I found that it was very simple and was clearly the work of a beginner (myself). I found that my college magazine had poor framing in the main image which clearly let down the whole product, in my development from my college magazine to my music magazine I found that I developed my cinematography skills as I learnt to ensure that I didn't leave negative space around my image. I have also developed in my knowledge in the terminology used within the planning and research to my music magazine, such as I learnt that upon the music magazine the ‘header’ isn't called a title or header, It’s called a Masthead which prior to the course I didn't know. I also didn't know what a Plug, skyline and footer where in terms of Magazine conventions. When starting my blog I didn't really know what I was doing, I lacked knowledge in how to create a layout in which showed my research in a creative yet informative way, Prior to the course I didn't know how to create a post with a web link attached in which I learnt in my progression. I found that the choice of blogger was very helpful in it allowed me to have my work dated and organised. In my planning and research I found various creative ways in which to present my research such as; Prezi this allowed me to be creative in how I presented my work such as using animation, creating links and connections between the various points in my media. I also used things such as; Survey Monkey, Slide share, PowerPoint, Microsoft word and YouTube. These various software’s enabled me to show the skills I had developed in using digital technology,  Survey Monkey allowed me to create my own questionnaire in order to gather my own feedback/research meaning that I learnt to develop my own skills in primary research. When producing my research I began looking at real media texts such as the magazines; Billboard, Top of the pops and We Love Pop. Each of these covered similar grounds in conventions in which I learnt and developed my knowledge in. I learnt about things such as; Skylines, Masthead, plug, pull quotes, Main image, footer, barcode and price/date. Prior to the course I only knew of things such as barcode, price/date and Main image so in my progression I learnt a lot about the conventions of real media texts. I also developed knowledge about the conventions of contents page and double page spreads this was rather difficult at first as even after my college magazine I didn't really know a lot about Photoshop still nor had I developed any skill or knowledge in the conventions of contents page and double page spreads. I learnt that in the conventions of real media text the main image usually contains the feature story and pull quote upon the front cover and this then links to a double page spread in which also consists of a main image, article, mast head and page numbers. I think overall my development between the front cover, contents page and double page spread I believe I did better with my double page spread over the other parts to my product in which I believe due to my skills development from the other two products as well as my college magazine, in the various digital technologies it became easier when creating a product It also allowed me to be more creative in the different Photoshop skills it allowed me to be more creative in what I could place upon my magazine such as layers to create feature stories positioned upon the main image, as well as changing the colour and shade of the actual text and translucent shape positioned behind it .Once I had created my product I used various ways to produce feedback about my product. Firstly I showed my product to my teachers in which I received feedback this allowed me to make changes and edit slight imperfection upon Photoshop. I Then posted my product upon a social network ( Facebook) ; In which after I read through various comments both positive and negative, I made a couple of tweaks to the product due to audience feedback, in which I learnt from my research and planning it is important to consider a target audience when creating a product.
 Overall after the first year of my course I felt more confident in using Photoshop, blogger, Prezi and in using a camera, I found that I had developed great skills since the beginning of my media course, I think that I have developed great skills in blogging which allows me to have more confidence when blogging during the course of my second year, I have also found that I have learnt useful skills in Photoshop which will continue to develop when creating my year two ancillary texts. I also believe that over the first year of my media course I have developed great skills in reaching and finding reliable sources and information on the internet as well as I have learnt how to present my research and planning in more advanced ways than just written texts. I found it difficult to do over the year as in creating a product as at time Photoshop was difficult to use as I couldn't figure certain things out however now I’m more comfortable with the software, I think I overcame many obstacles from planning my product and creating drafts to using webpage’s and software.

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